Catalog entry

User quiz Monitor

The userquiz monitor (revision board) is a set of plugins which allows a user to choose how many questions he wants to review and in which categories / sub categories to go to the passage (optional) of an exam. Based on a question bank that can offer hundreds or thousands of questions. This is a reverse pedagogical activity: traditionally it is the teacher who proposes a series of questions, and the student cannot freely choose according to his points of strength and weakness the elements that they wish to revise.
From the pedagogue's point of view, this tool allows to build a powerful revision or self-positioning system for students.

Purchase the solution gives you privileged and immediate access  on this platform:

  • To download the plugins, it is presented for each version of your Moodle open source software
  • If additional elements to the plugin are useful they are provided at no additional cost
  • Your TPAM (Third Party Application Maintenance).includes plugin version upgrades for a period of 1  year.
  • You access the installation guides, user guide and technical guide, with very exhaustive use cases, these guides are presented in a pleasant and neat way in your course area.
  • You benefit from privileged access to the management of our roadmap and our development calendar. You get user support.
  • You to get specific assistance about  how to use the solution : 1 full day

You will receive your login details , password and all usefull informations by e-mail as soon as your purchase is validated.

Ref : 00001P
P.U. (T.I.)
14400.00 €