Boutique ActiveProLearn

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For each product, the TPAM duration is 1 year. You can renew TPAM at very low price.

Prices are taxes included.

Serious game : FlashCard

The card game is a really easy educational tool, but it helps in long-term memorization.
This game is based on the Leitner mechanism which states that the recall of information decreases exponentially if the information to be remembered is not ...

Ref : 00017P
P.U. (T.I.)
600.00 €

Serious game : Magtest

The magazine-type test is a really easy and fun to use educational tool that serves multiple educational purposes.

Subscription to the TPAM (Third Party Application Maintenance) gives you privileged and immediate access to a course on this platform:...

Ref : 00030P
P.U. (T.I.)
600.00 €